
Heatmap to Visualize Spatio-Temporal Data

This post shows how to create a heatmap with geom_tile() to visualize the spatio-temporal evolution of the vegetative period in the Chaudière-Appalaches region.

Using {pollen} and {vegperiod} to analyze temperature, GDD, and vegetation period

{pollen} and {vegperiod} are two R packages that can be used to analyze temperature, Growing Degree Days (GDD), and vegetation period. In this analysis, we explore historical temperature records, GDD trends, and vegetation period changes in Chaudières-Appalaches, Quebec, using these packages. By combining data visualization and exploratory data analysis (EDA) techniques, we uncover key patterns and anomalies that shed light on climate-driven changes in the region.

30 Years of Precipitation for Centre-du-Québec: Trends, Patterns & Anomalies

Understanding long-term precipitation patterns is crucial for climate research, agriculture, and water resource management. In this post, we analyze 30 years of high-resolution precipitation data from the AgERA5 dataset, focusing on a single administrative region in Quebec. Using exploratory data analysis (EDA) techniques, we uncover trends, seasonal variations, and anomalies to gain deeper insights into precipitation dynamics

St. Lawrence Lowlands Precipitation Data: 30-Year Trends & Anomalies

Understanding long-term precipitation patterns is essential for climate research, agriculture, and water resource management. In this post, we analyze 30 years of precipitation data from the AgERA5 dataset for St. Lawrence Lowlands, using exploratory data analysis (EDA) techniques to uncover trends, seasonal variations, and anomalies.

TyT2024W21 - EDA:Carbon Majors Emissions Data

This week we are exploring historical emissions data from Carbon Majors. They have complied a database of emissions data going back to 1854. In this first part, I start with some exploratory data analysis.